when growing old too fast

The small wonders of life, or maybe the bigger ones. My sister just left for the hospital to give birth. Or at least she is hoping to give birth, the baby doesn’t seem to be sure whether or not he is ready to come. I’m not jealous at her at all; being pregnant or even the thought of having a baby scares the shit out of me. But than on one hand I am only 19 years old and it shouldn’t be my major focus and on the other hand, well there’s no one around to make a baby with. That’s probably for the best!
I admire those people who decide to become parents. Think about all the responsibility?! And you have to raise them into being responsible citizens. The thought of me raising a child seems as distant as that I would be flying to the moon. Maybe I’ll never have children, most people just laugh when I say that, because every woman reach a stage where the clock starts ticking and the maternal instinct tells you it’s time to start reproducing. But is this the fact for everyone? And should it be like that? Would it be so horrible to say that there are other things in my life that is more important to me than giving birth? There are already too many people on this globe. Is it more ok for a guy to say this than a girl? At this point I’m just uncertain about how to raise a child. I just look at the girls who are 13-14 years old today or even younger they pretend to be so much older than they really are. They put on tons of makeup and wear tiny clothes to show of their female shapes. But the fact is that they don’t have any. You can get breastholders for 4 years old and probably thongs as well. What is wrong with the world? Why do we have to get old so soon? What is wrong with being a child? I have heard of the words development and change, but I don’t know if it’s for the better.


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