Up and down and moving all around

The last week I have been to Austria, Switzerland, The Czeck Republic and now I'm back again in Austria. It's been a week with tons of different experiences. I should probably start to write again each day but, but when you're traveling around all the time it's not possible.
Austria is a beautiful country, but I guess you could say that about many countries. But the small hills with the small villages on with the church being the center, it's a good view for the eye. We took the train from Linz to Switzerland/St.Gallen and taking the train through Austria is a great way to see the country. The most beautiful part, or I think it is, is the Tyrol with the Alpes. We were supposed to go hiking in the Alpes, but since the weather is really unpredictable these days, we'll save it for the next time. St.Gallen was a beautiful town as well. It has an ooooold abbey where parts of it is under the protection of UNESCO. The cathedral was amazing, I enjoy visiting catholic churches, they have so much more to them than churches for example in Norway... Belonging to the abbey was a libarary which is probably the most amazing libabrary I have ever seen, The Stiftsbibliothek. It wasn't large, rather small, but it contained some 100.000, I'm really not sure about the actual number. But some of the books there were over a thousand years old. Amazing or what?! It's supposed to be the best saved Baroque room in Switzerland. St. Gallen was a nice and peacefull place. My friend was there to take a test to enter the local university which is ranked as one of the best universities in Europe. She however failed the test, but none of us felt sorry. To be honest, the people that we meet there seemd slightly superficial, and the other foreign students mainly from Germany and Austria seemed rich and snobby. Not th pre-judge anyone here, but we can with our hands on our heart say that we didn't feel part of the company. I guess the main flow of students entering the university are people who have parents who are well off, and wants there children to go to a school well suited for them. But than the academic level is supposed to be high, so they must have some sort of brain.
After comming back to Austria again we went for a day trip to Kromalov, another old city. But this time in the Czeck rep. It was one of those towns with a "festnung" a huge castle and a city wall around it preventing enemies from entering it. Unfortunatly the place was full of tourists, and I'm not to found of those places. But nowadays it's hard to find a place where it's beautiful and noone has heard about it. The Czeck rep. is still cheap compared to other EU countries, but since they joined in last summer, the prizes will probably increase rapidly.
Today we have a chillout session here in Waldburg where my friend is living. I got a cold, and she isn't feeling too good either. Tomorrow we are heading to the wine-region in Austria, better get some bottles of fine wine for my mother then! In the evening we'll head up to Wiena, and leave for Budapest on Monday. So much to see, so litle time. But, I'll be back soon!


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