Time flies and my little nephew, who is not so little anylonger, is growing into a little boy. I've never thought of humans in this way like I do now. I have never had younger siblings so the chance to see a baby develop and grow, has never been there (except from Martha). But this time it's of my own flesh and blood. He's only been around for 10 weeks, think about that, ten weeks! It's a drop in the ocean of time, and he's already the major focus of my whole family. I'd probably do anything for this little boy, I do love him. From the age zero to being weeks I can count on my hands this little creature is starting to pay attention to my voice. He listens to it, and sometimes he even smile. It's about the best feeling in the world. It's going to be interesting to see how his personality develops, and the fact that this little fellow is going to be around for quite some time!  Posted by Picasa


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