High on dust

I got back to Bergen after staying home for a week. Being home is heaven on earth, at least compared to this, what should I call it, dumphole? The thought of living with two guys didn't at first strike me as it would lead to any complications. Well, it's not directly any complications, but rather the lack of spirit in doing housework. I'm not a person who goes around looking for dirt to clean, but when our stove which is white nolonger is white, but dirty brown I think I'm allowed to scream out. The first thing that meet me when I opened the door yesterday, was a huge pile of trash. It takes like what? Two seconds to run down the stairs and out the door. It's hard work, right...
I'm gonna be a strickt mother when I reach that stage. Having a son who is not able to wash his own clothes and make his own food, I would be emmbaresed of my own upbringing. I wonder if their mothers know what lazy sons they got. Is it my responible to take an action to make them understand that it's not ok that you only wash the bathroom once a month?! Or that when your white socks turn brown when walking on the floor?
I guess I could never live with a person who is "blind" towards dirt and gets ill when the word "cleaning" is mentioned. Do I over react? Do I suffer from a mentally need-to-have-it-clean-all-the-time-illness?
When the time comes in any future realtionship that I would have to move together with a future boyfriend, I would say that I'm not interested in having a guy who thinks that things do themselves. They don't! And if I should be so unfortunate ending up with a guy is allergic towards cleaning, I have one word to say: Adios!


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